Monday, July 26, 2004

My Friends Rock

In case I haven't mentioned that before...

This weekend was great :-)

I think last night was a complex mathematical proof by party-interaction that I have the best friends(and Mommy) in the whole world. After a raucous game of frisbee, we headed up to my Uncle's house for my going away party. This party had been planned for a month or so, and my Mom had been working since Saturday night to prepare a feast for all my friends. Of course everyone loved the meal, and by dessert were completely stuffed :-) We watched the classic home video of me when I was five years old, which has some hilariously embarressing scenes!

My friends are great because when I look at them all enjoying each other around the table, I see a little of myself in each of them, and I think: these friends, together, show how I am and how I ought to be. It was perfect.

My Granny gave me a gift: a leather carrying case for a notebook computer. This was a perfect and coincidental complement to the envelope Alexei handed me. It was a check for a new computer, a notebook. I was so shocked, and I was crying and so happy. All my friends had pitched in enough for me not to have to worry about getting something that I really wanted.

I am confident of my path now.


Anonymous said...

YAY!!!! :^)

Anonymous said...

Woo! :-)