Sunday, December 12, 2004

Finals and such

Well my last class of the semester was on Friday, and now I'm doing my final assignments for my classes, due to be over on Saturday the 18th. I expect it will take all that time to finish them. Please pray that my studies go well this next week.

Tonight I went to an awesome Navs Christmas party!

We got to talk, and then we had a White Elephant gift exchance and I'm very happy with what I received :-)

For my present I put a Best Buy coupon in a huge box filled with styrofoam peanuts and taped it with address labels. A nice girl named Barbie got the second steal of my present so I guess she'll be getting discounted CDs and DVDs for her family :-)

After that we were taught to dance swing and got to dance that quite a bit through the night. We also danced The Electric Slide and The Macarena. And I got to break out in my dancing quite a bit and get a nice workout. :-) My specialty is dancing to music with a fast beat and a slow bass under beat, essentially nerve and heart energy combined.

I'll post a picture of me dancing when I get it.

Now back to work for me! >_<

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